Bonnie Aungle & Shane Wilson

Shane Wilson
Shane Wilson

Shane is a full hearted magician, he has the beautiful gift of being a somatic communicator, a body whisperer.

He is recognised within the community of having the beautiful gift of touching peoples lives, also for the clean energy and safe container that he brings in his field.

"This is what I love doing, it fulfils and touches me to the point of tears and I have been told and witnessed the transitions in people’s lives" 

"as if this work found me"

Shane went through a major life transition a number of years ago, where everything he had collapsed after a serious car accident. Life was shaken on many levels, he lost his confidence with work and he had a nervous breakdown and was diagnosed with PTSD.

Soon after his father passed due to a sudden heart failure, his long term relationship came to an end and his home was flooded twice.

This period led Shane to develop a large and open heart and after many years of healing, he connected to his deepest truth, to help people in need.

Was a particular experience personal that inspired you to study bodywork?

It has been an accumulation of experiences that have led me here.

It took a lot of reassurance for me to be confident in this intimate work, to be sure that I was doing the right thing with the right energy.

One of my strongest inspirations to do this work was a woman from many years before, who with the greatest of gentleness and patience reconnected with her innate intimate self..

She cried and told me that she thought that she would never feel this again as she had been held hostage and raped.

She then entered into a wonderful relationship and over the years, whenever I would see her and her beau, my heart would fill with indescribable feelings to witness her joy.

"There is a feeling in witnessing a woman transition into her radiance, it is like she is a thousand flowers blooming, all of the most glorious sunrises and sunsets all wrapped into one."


I experience an indescribable feeling of bliss that suffuses my body, makes my eyes well with tears and fulfils my purpose for being, when I witness a woman…


  • feel deeply safely nurtured with no intent or agenda 


  • soften the armour around her heart,  love herself and feel the beauty within 


  • open herself to life

  • transfigure to a beatific place of bliss and beauty beyond words 


  • expand her pleasure body with no intent or agenda 


  • connect to her deep feminine essence


  • learn how to trust and guide her partner to fulfil her needs and that of the relationship


  • learn how to express herself, to connect to and communicate her needs 


  • open herself to a wonderful relationship


  • journey through trauma/abuse to find her innate pleasure


  • KaHuna training Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 (High Spirits) 

  • Sexological Bodywork Training (Institute of Somatic Sexology) 


  • Lomi Lomi training 1, 2  (Tina Featherheart)


  • Biodanza (4 years) 


  • Regular men’s group meetings continuing (4 Years)

  • Regular silent meditation group for several years

  • The Landmark process

  • The Path of Love

  • The Grail process

  • Michael Rowlands workshops on Happiness 

Bonnie Aungle


stage name: Psyche

Domme name: Mistress NovaLux

Bonnie is a Tantrika, a professional Dominatrix, and a Shibari switch with a wealth of experience being tied, which gives her a keen insight when tying others. She has developed an uncanny ability to tune into and connect to the receiver at a deeply emotional and energetic level, which helps her to intuit and enhance the experience during a session.

Bonnie is available for sessions, either alone or together with Shane, in sensory exploration, BDSM, impact play, Shibari, and pleasure/intimacy coaching, whether you want education or a personal experience.

Bonnie enjoys being a mentor and coach for women, and together with Shane, a guide for couples in intimacy, and navigating ethical non-monogamy.


A little about me... I spent many long years practicing Zen and Vipassana and falling through a multitude of philosophic rabbit holes, digesting more books on the subjects than actual food. I was on a quest to lift the veils of illusion, reconnect with the divine and expand my consciousness and perspective by holding my beliefs, stories, social conditioning and ancestral karma (ie. the patterns passed down to me by my parents, and their parents, ad infinitum) up to scrutiny before throwing them into the fire... the thoughts in my head pretending to be me. 

I utilised meditation, spiritual autolysis, reading and discourse with others on my path and spent a brief time in Japan in a Zen Buddhist Temple. I also found psychedelic substances and plant medicine to be some of the most profound teachers of my life, throwing me suddenly into the depths of Satori while mercilessly ripping away my ego and entire sense of self, and on other occasions plunging me deep into spontaneous kundalini awakening, before I even knew what such a thing was. On another occasion I experienced what I can only describe as a full mind/body/spirit explosion while dancing, although it is impossible to describe with words. My body filled and pulsated with energy that grew to such an intense climax until it blasted out of me from between my thighs. Again, I had no idea what had actually happened to me til years later.

I realise now that my body was trying to rebalance the scales; I had spent many long years inside my mind, meditating, reading, conversing, and revelling in the mental masturbation that can come with immersing oneself in the countless koans, questions and philosophical paradoxes. Which is all well and good and has it's place, however I did not realise that I was neglecting to spend time in my body.

It took me many years of self work and integration of the above to get me to where I am now. 

As a woman and a human I was no stranger to trauma, however a deeply traumatic experience seemed to turn everything on it's head. I spent 5 years a numb shell, a husk of my former self, until I met Shane. He was the piece that was missing. I'd never even heard of somatic sexological bodywork, but it was exactly what I was needing. I had spent 6 long years in celibacy (I had even stopped self-pleasuring) and amenorrhea, and after just the first 2 or 3 sessions with Shane my body had already begun to reawaken. 

Now, countless Tantra workshops, conscious kink courses and sacred sexuality temples later, as well as being a well-known figure in the local Shibari community and helping to facilitate Peer Rope Byron Bay, I am back in full embodiment and following my bliss as the true hedonist I am. I feel deeply privileged to be doing this work with Shane. I view this work as so incredibly important, it has completely changed my life and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to offer this to others. To help remove the shackles of shame and social conditioning. To teach about consent and boundaries and how they are actually expansive rather than limiting. To take people by the hand and lead them into the truest, most authentic forms of pleasure, bliss, eroticism and self expression, whatever forms they may take.

- Bonnie

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Shibari is an ancient Japanese arform that is sometimes associated with BDSM, but that is just one dimension of this multi-faceted medium. There are a lot of misconceptions and knee-jerk reactions, unfortunately. Shibari/Kinbaku - literally “the beauty of binding” is an art form and some practitioners are all about the aesthetics. 

Some love the feels and sensations, the rope on skin and dropping into subspace.

Another application is relating - connection and communication. The nonverbal communication between my partner and I when we tie each other has deepened our bond to no end. 

I first discovered Shibari as a modality as part of my somatic sexological therapy to treat PTSD after I had suffered severe trauma. I had lost all trust, and for 5 years my body had completely shut down to pleasure, I was celibate and wanted nothing to do with relationships, even my menstrual cycle stopped. 

Today I am a completely different person. Shibari has helped me establish boundaries, reclaim consent, rediscover trust and explore power dynamics, as well as rekindle my fire and passion for life. Being tied enables me to truly surrender and give over all my trust to my partner, a very powerful gift; there is a sacredness in this power exchange. I feel innately safe and infinitely held. 

I am then able to access a deeply meditative nondual state, where self melts back into the void and thought fades away. 

When suspended, I can feel like I am flying. The absolute care, attentiveness and reverence from my partner is palpable, nothing exists but us two and the rope. The sensuous feeling of the rope gliding across my skin contrasts and contradicts the delicious dance along the edges of pleasure and pain as my body is pushed to it’s limits. A good pain though, akin to doing strenuous yoga.

It can certainly be used in the context of sexuality, and to heighten the sensual, but it goes way beyond these things, and has the potential to invoke a profound state of bliss.


- Bonnie

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